Category Archives: Health

Understanding the Difference – Cosmetic Surgeon Vs. Plastic Surgeon

By   April 15, 2024

When researching cosmetic procedures, it can be confusing when terms like plastic surgeon and cosmetic surgeon are used interchangeably. Although these medical specialties do share some common ground, their philosophies, research and training are distinct from one another.

Knowing the difference between a cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeon can help you choose the right doctor for your procedure.


When it comes to finding a surgeon who is qualified and experienced in the procedures you want. It’s important to understand the differences between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery. The terms are often used interchangeably, but the distinctions are important for patients to know.

According to a 2017 study, most individuals were confused by the use of varying terminology. For instance, 87 percent of the respondents incorrectly thought that special credentials and additional training are required for a doctor to call themselves an aesthetic, cosmetic, or plastic surgeon. This is not the case. While a board certified plastic surgeon has completed a residency and two-year plastic surgery fellowship, these programs typically do not include cosmetic surgery training.

Cosmetic surgery is the process of enhancing a person’s appearance using surgical techniques that focus on improving structure and function. It is considered an elective procedure, meaning that it is not covered by insurance providers. This is in contrast to reconstructive plastic surgery, which is typically deemed medically necessary after trauma or an illness.

During your consultation, it’s important to compare physicians’ backgrounds, education, and board certifications to find the right one for your needs. You can also ask for referrals from friends or family members who have undergone similar procedures. In addition, you should ask about a physician’s post-residency training and practice history to assess their level of expertise in the specific procedures you’re considering.


The main difference between cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeon is that the latter offers elective procedures for aesthetic purposes. Plastic surgery on the other hand includes reconstructive procedures like cleft lip and palate repair, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, skin flaps for burns, hand surgery, and facial surgeries to help patients with conditions such as scoliosis.

While both types of surgeons have the skill to perform the procedures you want, it is important that you do your research before choosing a physician. You should look at the doctor’s credentials and training, as well as patient reviews and before and after photos to find a surgeon you trust. If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure, you should choose a board certified plastic surgeon who can offer you a wide range of options.

It is easy to see why the terms cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeon can be confusing, as they are often used interchangeably. But, it’s important to understand that there is a significant difference between the two titles, as this can have an impact on your results and recovery time. Plastic surgeons have extensive surgical training and experience, which gives them the expertise to provide a variety of reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. They also have the knowledge and understanding to meet a patient’s individual needs. This is something that many cosmetic surgeons lack.


The difference between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery may seem minor, but there are important distinctions that can be made when researching prospective surgeons. While both surgeons specialize in improving the body, their training and research focus are very different. This is a crucial fact to understand, as it could affect your recovery time and results.

Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that encompasses reconstructive work as well as aesthetic improvements to the face and body. It focuses on restoring damaged or abnormal body parts, like injuries caused by trauma/accidents or birth defects. It is often considered a medically necessary procedure and may be covered by health insurance.

Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, is an elective procedure that enhances a patient’s appearance. It is often requested by patients to correct imperfections or reshape certain areas of the body for a more attractive look. Cosmetic procedures include breast lifts, tummy tucks and facial rejuvenation.

Cosmetic surgeries are generally performed on an outpatient basis and require a shorter recovery period than many other types of surgical procedures. It is important to follow the aftercare guidelines provided by your surgeon to ensure a smooth and healthy recovery. For example, it is important to avoid alcohol and heavy exercise while recovering from cosmetic surgery. These activities can delay the healing process and increase the risk of complications.


The costs associated with plastic surgery vary widely. Some surgeons may separately bill components, such as facility fees and anesthesia fees, which can quickly add up. Dean White plastic surgeon is committed to providing transparent pricing and will only charge for what is needed to perform your procedure safely and effectively.

We encourage you to seek out quotes for your cosmetic procedure from multiple surgeons. However, you should be wary of prices that appear too low as this could indicate a lower standard of care. In many cases, a lower price is the result of cutting corners somewhere in the process. This can be dangerous for your health and safety, especially when it comes to something as vital as a surgical procedure.

Depending on the type of cosmetic procedure you’re seeking, some or all of the costs may be covered by insurance. However, it is important to remember that healthcare costs are continuing to rise and patients are increasingly responsible for higher deductibles, coinsurance and copayments.

It’s important to consider these increasing out of pocket expenses when evaluating your options for plastic surgery. It is also important to consider the benefits of nonsurgical alternatives, such as weight loss through diet and exercise. Cosmetic surgery is a serious commitment and should be reserved for only those who truly need it.


Associate Professor Dean White
The Avani Building, Suite 1, Level 1/12 Nelson Rd, Box Hill VIC 3128
(03) 9895 7631


Osteoarthritis – Self-care and Osteopathy

By   October 25, 2023

Osteoarthritis can affect the knees, hips, wrists, hands or spine. It can also cause pain and stiffness in other joints.

It is important to get a diagnosis, especially if you have been experiencing symptoms for a long time. Your GP may refer you for physiotherapy, podiatry or occupational therapy to help with pain management.



Exercise is a vital component of managing OA symptoms. It can strengthen the muscles that support your joints, improve balance and flexibility, and increase overall fitness. It can also help you manage your weight, which can reduce pressure on painful joints. It’s important to talk to a health professional about your exercise program, so that they can ensure it is suitable for you and safe for your joint condition. Osteopath Balwyn North can provide appropriate exercise programs, including strength training, stretching and aerobic exercises on land or water. In some cases, surgery to repair or replace the damaged joint may be required, but this is usually only considered when all other options have been explored.

Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, regular exercise can keep the joints healthy and flexible, improve muscle strength and energy, limit loss of bone density and maintain a good weight to relieve stress on the joints. If your arthritis is in a weight bearing joint, such as the knee or hip, doing strengthening exercises that target those muscles can be particularly helpful. Exercises that can help include triceps extensions (holding a weight overhead, keeping elbows bent) and side lateral raises. Alternatively, a wall push-up (stand with feet about 12 inches away from a wall and place hands a little wider than shoulders) can be a great option for people who can’t do conventional push-ups.


Osteoarthritis (OA) develops when the cartilage and other tissues in a joint break down. This usually happens gradually over time, but can be triggered by an injury, or by changing patterns of movement that put stress on the joint (for example, repetitive motions like using a computer keyboard).

The most common symptoms are pain and stiffness with difficulty moving the affected joint and, sometimes, swelling, tenderness and a crackling sound when you move the joint. Symptoms vary from person to person and different joints are affected. Symptoms can range from mild and come and go to so severe that they stop you doing daily activities, such as getting out of bed, standing on one leg or holding a cup of coffee.

Treatment can include pain relief medicines, physiotherapy, self-management and changes to diet and lifestyle. It’s important to keep up with daily activities, as not enough movement can cause muscle weakness, worsening joint pain and stiffness and increase the risk of further damage to the joint.

In a small number of cases, surgery may be needed to repair, strengthen or replace the damaged joint. This can be done on the knees, hips, elbows, wrists, fingers, toes or spine. This can relieve pain and improve function and quality of life. It is most commonly used in the knees, hips and ankles.


Keeping a healthy weight, regular exercise and eating a balanced diet can help to manage the symptoms of osteoarthritis. A dietary program can include lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy and healthy oils (such as olive and canola). Nuts, fish and avocado also contain good amounts of omega-3. Certain foods like garlic and onions contain a component called diallyl disulfide which is known to slow down the deterioration of cartilage.

X-rays and blood tests may be used to look for narrowing of the joints, or other signs of damage to the joints. However, an x-ray doesn’t tell how much pain or stiffness you will have, and some people have little pain from a lot of joint damage.

Early, nonsurgical treatment can maintain joint mobility and improve strength. Most treatment programs combine lifestyle changes, medication and physical therapy. Acetaminophen or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce pain and swelling. Some people need steroid injections directly into the joints to relieve inflammation and pain. Surgery can be helpful if conservative treatments don’t ease pain and improve function. Surgery can involve joining two bones together or replacing the damaged ends of the bone, most often in knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, thumbs and ankles.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common and most disabling chronic diseases affecting older adults. It can cause pain and stiffness in the joints, especially those used for walking or climbing stairs. The pain tends to come and go, and it’s often worse in the morning or after prolonged rest. The pain may be accompanied by a click, crackle or grinding sound as the joints move, called crepitus.


Getting a good night’s sleep can help you cope with the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis. It’s important to try to go to bed at the same time each night and avoid sleeping in positions that cause joint pressure. It’s also helpful to use pillows to take pressure off painful joints. Using hot or cold packs can help to ease pain and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the affected area.

Regular exercise is one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis. It keeps the joints healthy and flexible, helps you lose weight and can reduce symptoms. However, it’s important not to overdo it as doing too much or doing the wrong sort of exercise can damage your joints.

You may need to see a health professional (such as a GP or a physiotherapist) to get a diagnosis of osteoarthritis and to develop a management plan. This will usually involve lifestyle modifications, medication and/or physical therapy.

NSAIDs (such as ibuprofen and naproxen) can reduce pain, stiffness and swelling. These can be taken as tablets or in a cream, gel or spray. Stronger painkillers such as oxycodone or codeine are sometimes used but are only recommended for short periods because they can have more serious side effects. Occasionally, doctors will inject steroids directly into a joint to relieve pain. This can be for very painful arthritic joints, to relieve sudden severe pain or to treat a specific condition such as gout.